Space opera concept art
Space opera concept art

space opera concept art

Some will be light years ahead of human achievements, and some will be more recognisable to our history. What we’re looking for is your ability to breathe life into alien races and stories across a universe we’re just learning about. We’ve made contact with civilizations in every corner of our galaxy and others, and we’ve reached dimensions that mirror our own but with strange twists.

space opera concept art

The question of whether we are alone has been answered. We’re challenging artists to imagine the universe within humanity’s reach at the dawn of light speed and dimension jump technologies. The theme of the eighth ArtStation Community Challenge is Grand Space Opera: Light Age. We hope you’re ready because an exciting new ArtStation Community Challenge begins now. ArtStation Community Challenges enable you to work on improving your skills, connect with and learn from other artists, create new material for your portfolio and show the ArtStation Community what you’re capable of.

Space opera concept art